
Principles of Flight - Drag (2)

Another type of induced drag is called Parasite Drag. It includes (1) Form Drag, (2) Interference Drag and (3) Skin Friction Drag.

Principles of Flight - Drag (1)

Drag is the force opposite to the forward moving Thrust (i.e. flight direction). There are two types of drag - Induced Drag and Parasite Drag.


Principles of Flight - Weight

Right...so...I have already covered how Lift is generated in the "Why can airplanes fly?" post. Today let's talk about its opposite force - Weight


Principles of Flight - Four Forces of Flight (1)

Aerodynamic Force refers to the relative motion between the aircraft and the air surrounding it. It can be simplified into Four Forces : Lift, Weight, Thrust and Drag.

Principles of Flight - Why can airplanes fly?

This is perhaps the most fundamental question that any aviation enthusiast needs to understand. 

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