
Principles of Flight - Weight

Right...so...I have already covered how Lift is generated in the "Why can airplanes fly?" post. Today let's talk about its opposite force - Weight

That's simple! The weight of an aircraft includes things like airframe, interior equipment and furniture, cargo, crew, passengers, baggage, fuel, etc. Anything that you can think of on board can contribute to the weight of an aircraft. 

And how these items are placed will affect the location of the center of gravity. For example, if most of the things are placed rearwards, the center of gravity will get further aft, and vice versa.

One thing to keep in mind is that the overall weight of an aircraft will change from time to time inflight. The reason is obvious! As long as the engine is running, it burns fuel. Therefore, the takeoff weight of an aircraft is usually higher than the landing weight.

In short, the aircraft's weight affects the location of the center of gravity and hence affects aircraft stability and performance. That's why it is vital as a pilot to get familiar with the weight data before each flight.

