
About This Blog ...



From now on, let's switch to English channel!  

Right! As you may or may not know, English is the major language in the aviation industry. So every pilot or pilot wannabe MUST possess a good proficiency in English. As an aspiring pilot, am I good at English? Nooooooo. That's why I need to PRACTISE! PRACTISE! and PRACTISE!

Now you guessed it! The blog will be conducted mainly in English. Since I am at the stage in preparing my cadet interview, I intend to cover some aviation concepts here in layman's terms. This aid me in my studies and consolidate my understanding. 

On the other hand, I believe 1 + 1 > 2  !!!
Both you and I can definitely gain something and learn by discussing the topics that I have covered. So please feel free to leave a comment on any post that interests you. (Even if you spot any grammatical mistake from my articles, just feel free to point it out please ^^)

